
Showing posts from September, 2022

DT - I can make a leaver and pivot moving mechanism.

 Today, year 1 looked at more moving mechanisms. The focus of today’s session was leavers on a pivot. We used split pins to connect our main part and our leaver together. Have a look at some of our fantastic cat or dragon creations. 

Big Phonics - ai ay a-e

 Today we played some games in Big Phonics to consolidate the learning of our new sounds ai, ay and a-e.

Phonics - Learning split digraph a-e

This week we have been learning our new Year 1 phonics song. Today we learnt our first split digraph, a-e. We learnt that the a and e have to work together to make the long vowel sound a. BUT we also learnt they have to be split up and can not be next to each other. We made a human a-e and children worked together to hold hands to make the a-e sound but made sure there was a gap between them and they were ‘split’. We then had a go at making words that contain the split digraph a-e sound. When we write split digraphs and add sound buttons, we draw a banana under to link the letters. 

History - what are other people’s toys like?

 In history, we began looking at toys that we would play with today (modern toys). We noticed how these toys were often colourful and made of hard materials, like plastic. We then talked about the ages that would match each type of toy. We had to separate 6 toys into either toys for babies, toddlers or 5/6 year year olds. We worked in pairs to separate these toys. 

Maths - One to one correspondents

 Today in Maths we worked with a partner to make towers of cubes. We then compared our towers and worked out whose was biggest / smallest.