
Showing posts from March, 2024

Skipping Workshop

 Today we had great fun with a skipping workshop. First we warmed up our bodies then we learned how to hold the rope properly before learning to skip!

Geography field trip~ local area walk

 Today we went on a walk around the local area. We talked about the need for road awareness and how to be safe on the roads. As we walked we kept a tally of all the street furniture we could find, we were particularly amazed by the number of lamp posts around our school. Once at Gurnard Green we looked at the different human and physical features we could see, a great addition to our recent geography learning. 

Geography Local Walk

Today both Year 1 classes had a walk around Gurnard, as part of our current Geography unit on ‘Our Local Area.’ We looked at the different street furniture we could see and noted every time we saw post boxes, street lamps, bins, bus stops etc. We were all very surprised at how many street lamps we spotted. We then stopped down on Gurnard green and looked around to see what things are ‘Physical’ Geography and which things are ‘Human’ Geography. We then had a quick run round on the green to try and warm up as it was quite chilly!

Phonics games

 We are doing all we can to support reading and phonics learning in school. We would appreciate any support you can give your child at home with this by hearing your child read a minimum of three times a week, plus revising any phonics sounds by playing these phonics games.  Phonics play  (any FREE phase 3, 4 or 5 games) Phonics Bloom  (any FREE phase 3, 4 or 5 games) Time for Phonics  (any FREE phase 3, 4 or 5 games) You may also like to watch episodes of alphablocks or Mr Thorne does phonics on Youtube to aide any learning.