
Showing posts from April, 2023

Computing - Scratch Jr - I can use commands to move a sprite.

We had great fun exploring on Scratch Jr this afternoon on the iPads. We learnt how to use commands to make the sprite move. We made him go left, right, up and down. 

English Hook - Aliens are among us!

 Today, we were introduced to a new book. We had a very interesting discussion about aliens and talked about were they live and what they look like. After that, we had a go at making our own.

English Hook - The Smeds and the Smoos

This term we are starting a new text in English - ‘The Smeds and the Smoos’.  As our hook into the topic we thought about aliens. We watched a science video explaining that at the moment no one has found evidence of any living things on other planets. We spoke about what we thought aliens might look like if they existed.  The children were very creative and had a go at making their aliens. Some looked friendly and cute whilst others looked fierce and frightening! Have a look at our aliens below.