
Showing posts from February, 2023

World Book Week - Hook - Magic Carpets

Today we started looking at the text that we will be looking at all week as part of ‘World Book Week.’ Before showing the children the text, we talked about journeys. The children shared journeys they had been on and what transport they used. We spoke about cars, trains, scooters, planes and boats.  I then told the children we would be going on a magical journey. The children worked in groups to make their own magic carpets. The children had 15 minutes to make a cosy and strong magic carpet before we all went on a magical journey. Flying high above the skies and looking at sights all across the world! We then looked at the book ‘Journey’ by Aaron Baker. We realised quite quickly it was a picture book and had no words! The children really could work out what was happening and we had some great discussions about who the characters were and what was happening.  We will be completing some more on this text during our English lessons this week.  Thank you for all the blankets and material t

RE - Judaism Workshop

Today we had a brilliant workshop with Ruth to learn all about Judaism. She showed us a Torah and spoke about the rules and words that she follows in her daily life- the Ten Commandments. She then showed us some special objects from her home.  The children found that lots of things were written in Hebrew. We saw a mezuzah - a special box that Jewish people put on their door frames that contains a part of the Torah. We also looked at a menorah candlestick and Ruth talked about Hanukkah and how she celebrates it and the different games she plays including a driedel. Ruth told us about Shabbat and how they celebrate on a Friday night with grape juice and challah bread.  The children were then very lucky and were able to look closely at the different objects and design a mezuzah box  the children then got to taste some challah bread.